Kept getting the feeling I wanted to orgasm whilst sitting at the computer today. Managed to have an orgasm sitting at my chair which without the aneros. It was an awkward position trying to control my legs but it felt good, even had my wife look in through the door and ask me a question and I managed to bring the orgasm back straight after.
A bit later after the first orgasm subsided I kept trying again after this but got nowhere.
I was feeling a bit frustrated and told the family I was going for a lie down in the afternoon, inserted the aneros, and had another orgasm lasting about 30 minutes. This one felt really good. I went through several different types of orgasm, at one point I had pure pleasure extending into my legs and up into my back and I never wanted it to end.
I think I might have overdone it, particularly straining to have an orgasm in the morning. By early evening I had severe pain in my testicles and lower abdomen which got worse and worse. I had suffered 'blue balls' a few times in the past and soon realised this felt just the same. I ejaculated and it didn't stop which got me a bit worried but within the next hour the pain had totally settled which was a relief. Perhaps others should be aware of this happening – it really is painful and if you don't know what it is it could be very worrying.
Had another aneros free orgasm once my wife had gone to sleep again.