• Journeys

    Realized that 3 years have come and gone without me logging any events. Time flies. For the first couple of months aneros really didnt do much for me and but kept remembering what I had read in the aneros blogs and discussions so I pushed forward. As most folks the water based lubes were not good for me and took over a year for me to make the change to silcone lubes and now coconut oil. I had a reaction that created digestive problems and flared up gaseous problems to point I thought I was having a heart attack and had difficulty breathing. The doc said I had acid refllex, but after several visits and different types of acid meds it was something else- took trial and error on my behalf to figure it out. So now after using coconut oil it seems better. My aneros days I thought were over.
    Now after three years I'm starting to actually have a better feel of the aneros and think I have a better understanding on what I should be concentrating on and when to stop. Starting to have better sessions now. In the past I focused to much on trying to get sexually excited vs paying attention to what the aneros was doing. I also listen to trance music (electronica) while on my knees and butt up in the air so it better hits the prostate and to totally relax and let the aneros do it's thing. I usually stick my helix in the freezer for a few minutes and the apply the coconut oil so the oil stays in place during the session. I also now take t- booster supplements daily and drink with pur-erh tea with maca and ginseng. I'm 56 years old and the sexual drive needs a boost.


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      01/26/2015at12:15 am

      Glad things have taken a turn for the better and I like your method of freezing and coconut oil, I will be trying that tomorrow. I relate, as do many others I'm sure, to what you said about wanting it to be sexually exciting, )which it is( before coming to terms with the proper functioning of aneros and paying attention to what it's doing. Big, big unrealistic expectation for me when I first started. I was versed in dildo usage and therefore was immediately expecting to be blown-away by my aneros, and of course, we all know that to not be the case. I too turned the corner, yes that corner, the same corner we finally get to pivot from once we get it down. My sessions are now fewer but 100% better when I do it. And, my non-insertable hours are truly spectacular and are always accompanied by a truly sturdy-member that keeps renewing his membership at the drop of my pants. Nothing like freezing in the desert, rider!
      Cheers, Vic

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      01/27/2015at6:41 am

      Vic- so did the freezing do anything for you. Myself being able to apply several applications of the oil)especially at the aneroid head( gives more lubrication time plus the initial feeling of the cold device and slickness once it melts. I'm not crazy about injecting that oil- seems it turns out messy.
      I concur on waiting a day or two between sessions since it gives you time to refresh. I've tried daily and it was fun but takes a lot out of me plus you don't have the true urge to do it- of which is essential on my behalf.
      Yes those expectations are a killer- really hard just to focus and accept what's happening at hand. I guess we all want MORE but how do we get that more….
      Yes this rider is freezing- nasty weather sometimes feel like a hermit.

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      01/27/2015at3:15 pm

      There was a cold front the other day and it prompted me to freeze-up my, Tempo, Helix and Progasm. I gave it half a day in the freeze and was drawn rapidly to the refrigerator at days end. Started with Helix and went for a long ride late afternoon, cum late evening, I pulled out my Tempo, coconutted her and slipped her in. She was dancing all night, plowing and AutoFing, had me on all 4's at one point and would not take no for an answer. Finally, I reached the moment that we all agree is he time when all good men need to be fuckd and so out came the BIG PROGASM. The oil stayed on like none other. I was really impressed with the method of freezing and applying, plus I love the feeling of cold shuddering on my hole. I completely gave way to Progasm, my imagination took off and savored the images that )lingamen( recently posted. Man, he has a hot, tripple hot imagination and he writes so well. So, in answer to your question: Yes, the freezing did a lot for me, thank you! Stay Cool, Vic

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      01/27/2015at9:41 pm

      Awesome- well that will be hard to top! Glad it worked for you.

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