• A Sexy Post to My Wife

    Sex between us has been like a pleasurable tug of war at times, each one of us wanting to put the others pleasure ahead of our own. Many times as we make love our interaction becomes a test of wills … a contest between us to see who can take control and give the other more pleasure and ignore the swelling ecstasy that distracts us from pleasuring each other.
    For our entire relationship our goals have been the same… to bring each other to shuddering orgasm.
    It is a powerful force in our relationship, your desire to give pleasure to me and me to you. You were very sheltered as a young woman. I was your first sex partner. My greatest desire was to hold you as you squirmed in orgasmic ecstasy. As tentative as you were in the beginning, you were fascinated by my erect cock and my sexual response; my cock was the first and only one that you ever brought to erection with your loving touch and your warm mouth. You never ceased to be fascinated by my ejaculation; making me cum made you feel very powerful.
    You were intrigued that you could take control of my cock and make it grow and stiffen in your delicate caress as you kissed it, massaged it and sucked it until I arched my back, moaned and regurgitated my erotic cream for you. The eventual eruption of my warm cum in your hand as you grasped my pulsing cock was enthralling then and continues to be fascinating to you to this day.
    When we make love you have learned to prefer being on top. You straddle my pelvis with my penis buried deep inside your wetted feminine canal; as you impale yourself and grind your sodden pussy on my stiffened spike the strong muscles inside your sex milk me hungrily and suck on my cock mercilessly. You grind on me pursuing the expanding pleasure in your pussy as you look into my eyes for a signal that I am about to yield a warm creamy reward to your pussy for your effort.
    The power of your soft tender grasp to coax cum from me and your love of witnessing me streaming a rope of cum is well known by me. Tugging, stroking and massaging my cock, until you bring me to the edge of rapture and push me over the edge by suckling my nipple or kissing me as you hold my pulsing cock has been a mainstay of our sex life.
    Oftentimes I am at your mercy, as you gain total control of my pleasure, you have won. You are the fire that warms my male tallow to steaming bubbling liquid and sucks it from me with the power of a suction pump. You love to squeeze my cock with your pussy or your mouth. As you tug, pull, and suck on it like it was a soda straw it hardens to iron. When I can’t hold it in any more, I give my cum to you in pulsing anguish as your warm wet canal slurps up my passion. It is the ability to control my orgasm and give me pleasure that makes sex so hot for you.
    The only problem is that I am a person who loves to give pleasure as much as you do. Of the two of us I am more laid back so giving you pleasure can be more of a challenge. I get my greatest joy from our love making if I can get you to lose your determination, control and concentration and surrender to the rapture that I can coax from your pussy. It is a very hard thing to do. Over the years I have come to realize that there is one time when I can prevail; when you will relax and give into the pleasure I can give you. That is in early morning.
    On a morning like this morning when I am just home from traveling and you have been up late, I lie next to you and hold you while you sleep. In the last few years I have learned to slide a distance away from you in the bed and lose myself in a string of MMOs. But on mornings like this when I crave holding you while I drill into you and coax orgasmic rapture from your pussy, MMO is the farthest thing from my mind. This hour of your half sleep is my window to get you to surrender to me and allow me to inject sweet agony into your pussy with my desire – tempered rigid spike.
    As you lay there in my arms, your head on my chest dozing, I am laying on my back with my right arm around your shoulders. My left hand is running through your hair massaging your scalp and the back of your head. Your body is leaden and your head is fuzzy in the fringe of sleep. You struggle to gain consciousness but the warmth of my naked body next to you and sensation of my fingers on your scalp is mesmerizing. Your breathing is slow and regular, revealing your relinquished control. My hand drops to your neck and massages the sore muscles where your neck meets your shoulder; you wake momentarily and sigh as the sleepy fatigued muscles of your neck are awakened. I take advantage of your consciousness and tilt your head to my lips and kiss your forehead. A wave of reassurance washes over you, and you sink below the surface enveloped in the love that lies on top of you just like the quilt that covers us. I keep my warm lips to your forehead and lull you back to sleep with the reassurance of my embrace and the warmth of my lips.
    I hold you as you drift in and in out of wakefulness over the next half hour. Your body is heavy on me.
    Your night gown has shucked up to just below your breasts, you wear no panties at night. I love that your pussy is exposed to me while you sleep, you are so vulnerable. Your innocent vulnerability makes me feel very powerful and trusted; it is a very moving feeling. I can feel the warmth of your downy vulva on my thigh. I reach around you and gently massage the sore muscles between your delicate shoulder blades. They are tired and knotted from the tension of the intense drawing you were doing the evening before. The touch of my strong fingers makes the muscles ache in a good way as the soreness dissipates with my kneading. You are awake now but you are very relaxed. You nuzzle into my neck and kiss me appreciatively.
    You really have no desire to be anywhere right now but in my arms leaving me to pursue the numbness of sleep that has invaded your body and knead it away leaving languid relaxation and tingling sensation in its place. As I work on your back you raise your leg to drape it over my legs. Your warm pussy is pressed against my muscular thigh. As I work the muscles in the small of your back, your reflexive response causes your hips to press your vulva against my thigh. It feels good to you, and causes you to gently hump my thigh a few times, ending by pressing your vulva against me.
    I push you over on your back. I slide my hand under your nightgown and begin to massage your shoulders and upper arms. You are awake now but the sweet sensation of my warm hands and strong fingers on your delicate chest hypnotizes you, you are immobile; the arousal is crackling on your skin and dazzling you.
    I slip my warmed hand down to your breast and cradle your soft flesh in my hand, leaving your hardened nipple to protrude between the circular space of my thumb and pointer finger. You sigh as a ripple of subtle delight emanates from your dark purple nipple and wraps around you like a warm down comforter; the sensation is both rousingly pleasurable and peaceful. You want to get up and mount me but the weight of the pleasure is holding you down and convincing you to lie still and let me cherish your body. The rush of arousal is beginning to tingle under my hand inside your breast, it quickens your heartbeat, I can feel the soft thump under my hand. I gently massage your breast, the soft flesh yields to my strong hands and I can feel the structure of your milk glands beneath your skin. I arch my fingers and press my finger tips gently into the tissue and knead it deeply. I work my hand up towards your nipple as I massage the gland from base to tip, and end by holding the helpless nipple between my thumb and middle finger. I roll it gently between my fingers as it aches erotically at my urging. You gasp and begin to hump my thigh gently again.
    I continue to massage your breasts, first the right and then the left. For some reason, your right breast has always been more erotically responsive than your left one. I concentrate much of my massage on your right breast. I tug on the nipple; I pinch it and squeeze behind the areola. I think back of doing this to you when you were pregnant and your nipples ached. It felt painfully good to have me massage them then and you still enjoy the sensation. As I stimulate your nipples you sink into my arms lost in luxurious delight. I begin to catch the scent of your arousal from under the covers. It is one of those subtle cues that I have come to recognize. I know your normal scent and I know the scent of you as you are swelling and your desire is opening your vagina in search of sensation.
    I lightly trace the line from between your breasts down over your belly button, tickling you and raising goose bumps on your skin as my hand makes its descent. You know where I am going and you wait impatiently for my arrival with your legs parted. You thrust your pelvis up to meet my hand hoping that those few inches will hasten my arrival.
    I continue over your tummy stopping to trace lazy circles around it, tickling and teasing you and prolonging the delay of arriving between your legs where you want me to be. You are breathing very shallowly and you have parted your legs slightly, welcoming my hand to delve into your sex and coax the quivering pleasure to its opening.
    You part your legs further signifying your total surrender. You open them wordlessly telling me to sink my fingers into your yawning hole and feed you the pleasure that will make you sing in agonized rapture. As I continue my tantalizing trip down your tummy to your vulva, I am still holding you with my arm around your shoulder. My fingers find the fine hair on your vulva; I dawdle there running my fingers through your downy tuft, stroking your mound and tickling it lightly.
    I trace the soft skin in the crease where your groin meets your thigh, tickling you and teasing you more. You begin to fidget. I feel mercy for you and I move my hand over to seek the warm wet opening of your sex. When I ultimately slide my middle finger over the crest of your MonsI follow the cleft to the hood that covers your clit. I can feel your hardened pearl underneath its fleshy hood and I gently slide the hood over the sensitive erection underneath. Your clit is aching in desperation to be stroked. You gasp as I slide its fleshy cover back and forth over it. But I stop as I don’t want you to cum yet. I continue my descent following the silky wet trail of your tender lips. They are dewy with the pearlescent cream that flows from the aroused entrance to the center of your femininity. The cream collects around your opening; it flows from an ache deep inside of you, an ache that is borne of deep desire
    When we make love your vagina is a target for my penetration and a receptacle for my cum. You crave physical insertion and the feel of my cock pushing past your swollen lips as it plunges deeply into you. Once my penis is in you to the hilt, and our pubic bones are grinding together, you milk my turgid spike to regurgitate its creamy cocktail and slake the thirst of your desire. The desire that dwells in the very core of your vagina will suck up my sweet fluid desperately in an attempt to satisfy its thirst. It is a thirst that is as deep and needy as that of a parched laborer in the hot summer sun, plunging his face into a cold mountain stream to suck up cold refreshing water. The gratification is the same.
    The sensation of being filled with my hardened penis and ultimately flooded by my hot cream is always sufficient motivation for you to bed me.
    But this moment is different. Lying in my arms, you are giving me your body with the purpose of being filled with your own pleasure, not by my penis. The receptacle is your vagina, the warm vessel of your femininity, arousal is prying it open and waiting for me. You are asking me to make your cunt spill over with erotic pleasure that I will draw from within you. In that request you are trusting me. You are trusting me to be gentle; you are trusting me to cherish your pussy lovingly as I coax pleasure from you and you are trusting me to read what you need from your sounds, your face and your body movements. You trust me and love me so much that you want me to witness your orgasm clear headed and not burdened by my own pleasure. You want to share the gift of your orgasm with me; it is an experience that will make you respond in ways that may not be lady like, but that doesn’t matter to you as long as it is me caressing you as you do. You are vulnerable, but your vulnerability is reduced by the fact that it is indeed me; it also makes this experience so sensual and erotic.
    You are lying in my arms with your legs parted exposing yourself to me and asking me to use my passion and my knowledge of the most tender and intimate part of you to deliver you to a place of erotic rapture. I do not take this trust lightly.
    Your surrender makes everything that I will do to you even more erotic because you are allowing me to take control of your pleasure and guide you to a place of deep euphoria.
    I am holding you in my arm and tenderly stroking your pussy lips. As I am massaging your lust swollen vagina I have the image that I drawing pleasure from you, just as I would fill a bucket from a well. I massage the wetted lips and mouth of your sex, its mouth is yawning open in anticipation of what is coming, its sweet breath revealing its arousal. As I massage your vagina it flushes hot pink and gets very sensitive. I continue to kiss your forehead and manipulate the silken folds of your sexy gash. The pleasure is starting to concentrate in this most sensitive and intimate part of you. The more I stroke your hardened pearl, the more the pleasure intensifies and wells up in your throbbing pussy. As your vagina becomes engorged it becomes heavy with arousal and it begins to throb ache with desire. The juice of your arousal is now running a stream and pooling under your ass cheeks.
    I massage your opening more firmly now, coating my finger in the creamy expression of your lust that is bubbling up from the depths of your anguished hole. You begin to thrust your pelvis, attempting to rub your slippery clit against my teasing finger. You are in desperate need of hard stimulation, but I don’t give it to you, instead I tease you. I refuse to probe your vagina and give your quivering hole the gratifying relief that it needs. Your rocking and thrusting becomes even more desperate. You are in need of sweet stimulation to get relief, but I continue to tease you. My finger is dancing in little circles around the tender mouth of your vagina. I am making languid wet circles, teasing your yawning desire. Every few circles my slippery finger drifts to the underside of the glans of your hardened clit and I push gently up on it rubbing it and probing it; when I do this you stop moving and hold perfectly still as to not interfere with the riveting sweetness of the gentle pressure and tender friction.
    The effect of my teasing has been to redden and swell your vulva. It is thick and hot with desire. The pleasure is welling up and engorging your anguished pussy. Your silken pink lips are turgid with desire, your clit is fully exposed stretching to seek sweet stimulation that will trigger the reward of orgasm.
    I pull my arm from around you and get up, kneeling between your thighs. I lean down and kiss your swollen slippery pussy lips with all the passion I can muster. It is a deep kiss that tells you that what you are about to experience is not a physical experience, it is a deeply emotional experience and a gift from me to you. I whisper sweet wishes in to the open mouth of your drooling pussy as I kiss it lovingly. I inhale the sweet thick scent of you as I kiss your clit one last time before it receives divine pleasure and shrinks back under its hood.
    I then straighten up kneeling between your legs. I look down on your gapping vagina oozing its lust and desire. I feel as if I am kneeling before an altar. With this sudden feeling of reverence I lean over and slide my middle finger into the wet warmth of you and I massage the silky soft flesh inside of you. You clamp down on my finger as soon as you feel me probing your tender inner flesh and you gasp audibly. I curl my finger up and find the swollen knot of passion inside your vagina and then I press up on it. As I do your body stiffens and you shudder and moan. Before you can recover your composure I place my other middle finger on top of your trembling pink nub and I begin to massage it in a circular motion. You begin to thrust against my hands as I relentlessly press and stroke the engorged spot inside your pussy and simultaneously massage your turgid clit. The more I stroke you the more pleasure wells up inside of you. I push you and push you until your legs are trembling and the few square inches of femininity between your thighs is so full of pent up pleasure it is quivering in anticipation of release.
    You begin to moan as the pleasure is welling up to an almost intolerable level inside of your pussy. I tell you how much my cock is aching for you and that I am drooling a stream of precum that is dripping on your leg. You emerge from the haze of desperation that has taken control of your body and you look in confusion at my stone hard cock, then you look into my eyes. The cords in your neck are standing out and your eyes are fighting to stay open and look at me. But the ecstasy that is flooding your body is exerting its control over you. It wants you to close your eyes so that you will think of nothing but pleasure as its hot fingers strum the muscles of your pussy and its steamy hot mouth suckles your aching clit. But you struggle to look at me and admire my oozing penis and see the love in my eyes. Ultimately you cannot fight anymore. You close your eyes and lower your head to the bed and let the ecstasy take control of you. In your misty blissful place you are covered by a warm heavy blanket of exquisite sensation; you have no control of your muscles, you cannot move. All you can do is feel the steamy inferno deep inside your cunt, a fire that makes the human sap in your pussy boil and bubble.
    I watch in fascination and in lust as you are struggling to maintain your composure as the pending orgasm deep inside your vagina is gathering its strength like steel spring that is ready to release. Your face looks contorted, confused and anguished. Your pussy is being twisted into a knot of orgasmic tension. You need to cum and cum hard.
    I lean over as my fingers continue to work your aroused g spot and your erect clit. They are on the edge. I hover over your breast as I work your clit hard, pushing it and pinching it gently between my fingers. I then suck your right nipple into my mouth. The hardened teat feels rubbery between my lips. I pinch your aching nipple between the roof of my mouth and my tongue. The response is instantaneous. The nipple begins to crackle with sparks of ecstasy. A jolt of that electricity shoots across your body, the strongest shock runs straight to your inflamed clit and just as a spark ignites a powder charge the rippling spark of pleasure ignites an explosive orgasm. You grimace as if in great pain but it is not pain that makes your face contort in anguish, it is a grimace of agonizing pleasure.
    You scream and twist in agonized bliss as the orgasmic explosion triggers spasms that reverberate and pulse inside of you. Every muscle below your waist is seized in hard paroxysms of sweet rapture. The convulsions of ecstasy cause your vagina and anus to pulse rhythmically. Your toes curl and uncurl spastically and your hands close tightly into white knuckled fists. The exquisite relief that is pulsing in your pussy tugs at your twitching clit and squeezes your nipples; it washes deep into your vagina in soothing waves of pulsing delight. The song of your orgasm comes from deep inside of you, it is a groan and and scream muffled by your lip being held between your teeth. It modulates as the sweet convulsions twist and squeeze the juice from your pussy.
    I can feel the spasms clamping on my finger and I press up on your G spot to make the spasms linger and tremble.
    The orgasm is hard and exhausting. When it is done you collapse on the bed. I get down and lie next to you slipping my arm under you. As the pulses of the orgasm slowly fade and your pussy stops twitching you cuddle up against me again and surrender once more. This time it is to relish the warm glow that is now radiating deep inside your twitching pelvis. But in the meantime you are fuzzy and groggy in post orgasmic bliss and you lie next to me totally spent. I hug you and kiss the top of your head.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/21/2014at3:45 pm

      OMG that was the most beautifulest thing i have ever read. I mean you really have a way with words. I mean you need to be cloned cause if thats what she gets on a regular where do I sign up at. lol But really that was great the way you described the orgasmic love making that you to produce between each other. I envy it so much but i know I will find the one but wow that was great man.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/21/2014at10:48 pm

      thanks Biggie. Truth is I don't make love to her for the pleasure of the cock, all the pleasure is in my head. I feel so close when we fuck.

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