• A Night In a Hotel Keeping Tempo with Tempo

    March 26, 2014
    On the road 500 miles from home. I love being home, I am a home body. But I also love being on the road which allows me to exercise the erotic aspect of my personality more freely and more vocally.
    I had been in meetings all day yesterday … it was an intense day. I wound up back in my hotel relatively early at 4:30 PM which was unanticipated. I have a favorite Chinese restaurant in the community I was in, so I wound up walking there for a very enjoyable meal. I was back at the hotel by 6 PM with the entire night to myself. Recently at home we have been cleaning out closets and sorting stuff to get rid of. I came across an attaché case full of erotic dvds that I collected 12 years ago. I hadn’t looked at them in 8 years. There were 50 or 60 of them. I had brought them with me on this trip. They consist of girls riding sybian masturbation machines, amateur videos, hand job videos and a slew of educational – entertainment videos on tantric sex.
    So when I got back in the room I started sorting thru them and playing them. Some I threw out while others I saved. I wound up really getting into the hand job and sybian dvds watching them intently which wound up getting my cock very hard. I then spent an hour or so editing my novel, which further amped up my arousal. I fatigued of the detail that that required so I wound up getting on line here in Aneros and chatting with friends for a while.
    By 10:30 PM I was really really aroused and itching for some erotic interaction. I have a friend who is a nurse in California. We have a tacit understanding that we both like erotic camming and our relationship is based on that. When she is in the mood she will IM me and vice versa. Sometimes we perform for each other other times it is mutual. Last night it was a mutual night. I love close-ups of her pleasuring her clit and she loves to see me drip precum and air hump or do pelvic thrusts as I tug on my rigid cock. The later makes my pre cum flow profusely. She had several intense orgasms while I held back my ejaculation. I had plans to unload cum following a late night early morning peridise session. We said good night at 12:30 AM. Needless to say my cock was aching by then and my perineum was throbbing.
    I then went to my toy box that travels with me whenever I am on the road and got out my trusty tempo. It and my peridise are by far my favorite aneros massagers. I took out a condom and put about a tablespoon of liquid lube inside it, and then put the tempo inside the lube filled condom. I then put a sparing amount of lube on the outside of the condom to ease its insertion. My anus seemed to open in anticipation of it like a baby bird seeking a meal. I seated the cold steel bulbous tip just inside the opening of my anus and slid it into my man pussy; It felt so good going in I got chills. My anus was quivering and hungry for penetration. It seemed to suck in the tempo as I inserted it. When the icy cold tempo was seated in me I shuddered from the exquisite sensation that radiated from it. Pressing on the tender flesh inside me it illicited a peristaltic reaction that is somewhat similar to that follows penetration immediately. After a few minutes the sensation of the tempo being inside of me disappeared as it warmed up and my anus got accustomed to it and caressed it gently.
    The thing I love about the smaller aneros is that once they are in I don’t really feel them …. Initially. However once the tempo penetrates me and masks its presence it begins to gently press and stroke the sensitive skin inside of me, triggering nerve responses that take a few hours to build. Very subtly the tempo was working its magic unbeknownst to me as I slept. I turned out the light and resisted the gnawing hunger I felt to tug on my cock that the tempo pressing on my prostate inspired. I didn’t have to try hard to fall asleep I was out in a matter of minutes.
    The next thing I knew it was 2:30 AM; I was awoken by extremely pleasant reflexive anal spasms. The spasms were superficially mesmerizing but didn’t have the depth and resonant intensive ecstasy that accompanies an MMO . I enjoyed them for 15 minutes or so laying on my stomach with my cock pressing on the mattress. I even tweaked my left nipple a few times to encourage them. However, I quickly realized that it was too early for my typically profound orgasms. To enjoy the profound pleasure that accompanies them I knew I I would have to wait until predawn hours. I glanced over to the curtains in the window of the hotel room, they were wide open showing the clear starlit blackness of the sky. They would illuminate my pleasure when the sun began to peer over the horizon.
    Lying on my back I fell asleep again. This time I succumbed to a deep – deep sleep. The sleep was coated in a thick hazy layer of erotic images and lurid sexual scenarios involving me and friends and people of both sexes I barely knew. The dreamy illusions of erotic activities served me well. When I woke again at 4:30 am I woke with an iron rod cock and electric tingling in the opening of my anal canal. My lust hardened penis was dripping precum onto my belly as the rhythmic pulsing vibrated in me.
    My perineum was twitching as my ass convulsed and my cock root was lurching intermittently, like a race horse in a starting gate anxiously awaiting the opportunity to jump forward and take off. I sighed quietly and rolled over to my preferred position for mmo, on my stomach with my left leg slightly bent, raising my hip slightly off the mattress. This position allowed me to ever so gently press my cock cleft into the sensual embrace of the soft bedding underneath me. The response was immediate. My anus began to convulse slowly and deliberately with the regular slow rhythm of a pendulum of a great clock.
    As my anus convulsed it drove the tingling sensation down into my canal. I felt the divine tingling creeping slowly into me leaving a trail of sparkling pleasure in its wake. As the sensually desperate sensation sank deeper and deeper into my anal tract it grew in intensity. Each pulsing spasm created an echo of sheer bliss behind it. I began to punctuate shallow breaths in between the pulses to feed the spasm air. In effect it was like blowing on a glowing ember. The more I breathed into the exquisite sensation deep in my rectum, the more it grew. In my mind’s eye I envisioned the ember bursting into flame as I breathed carefully into it.
    Suddenly the pulsing pleasure spasm turned into the familiar pumping sensation that accompanies ejaculation. When the pumping began, it was a three step sequence that began just inside my anus, then recurred deep in my perineum and culminated deeper inside my anal tract on my prostate. The fial pulse of my prostate left a chiming reverberation of pleasure that echoed throughout my pelvis. When the third pumping convulsion was over the sequence began all over again.
    As I breathed into the sequence of spasms they both speeded up and intensified. After several minutes the pleasure that resulted for the syncopating pumping pleasure was so intense it could only be described as exquisite agony. It became harder and harder to remember to breathe and not hold my breath as the pleasurable pumping grew stronger and stroner and faster and faster. I began to gasp audibly as each spasm reached deep into my anus and squeezed my prostate with merciless bliss.
    I began to quietly verbalize as a means to keep breathing and expand the sensation I was feeling. When I am in a state of extreme ecstasy as I was verbal description inflames my arousal and the orgasmic response. Also when I am in excruciating ecstasy as I was homoerotic fantasy consumes my mind. I began to describe the pleasure I was feeling as the p[enetration of the most beautiful cock imaginable. I begged for the cock to impale me and push me further and further into the anguished rapture that was starting to envelop me.
    The effect was magical. My orgasmic pumping pleasure accelerated and the sensation elevated to become sensual torture. I began to moan in between gasped pleas to be fucked. I began to imagine myself prostrate on the bed offering my pink man pussy to a gathering of men around the bed who were all waiting to fuck me.
    The orgasmic fire in my anal canal became a blazing inferno. The pumping pleasure accelerated to a staccato beat. The interval between the sequences of pleasure spasms was getting shorter and shorter as the pleasure itself became almost unbearable. The ecstatic cacophony in my anal canal was reaching a thunderous crescendo. Instead of echoes between spasms there was an electrifying constant buzz of almost unbearable pleasure that was punctuated by jolting twitches of anguished bliss.
    I could no longer talk. My body was being consumed in a conflagration of desperation and aching ecstasy. Slowly I was being pulled under the surface of awareness to a quiet place deep inside my mind where thousands of twinkling lights blazed in the darkest blackness imaginable.
    Silent music seeped into my brain and stilled my frantic experience of sexual urgency. As the sweet feminine hands of rapture soothed my brain I felt the orgasm migrate throughout my body. I lay there immobile, frozen in time and place and every inch of my body was saturated by the thick balm of rapturous orgasm. I was floating in indescribable joy as my cock, anus, prostate, and nipples sizzled with electrical sparks that revealed the magical experience that was occurring in my body.
    I was no longer in control of the orgasm. Like a nuclear reaction it had generated enough pleasurable energy to sustain itself. I just laid there and succumbed, letting the orgasm have its way with me. Occasionally I breathed into the orgasm to feed it but I had the sense that it didn’t need my help.
    As each jolt of pleasure hit me my body stiffened and I moaned aloud, begging to be allowed to remain in this place where pleasure seemed to be penetrating every pore of my body.
    It was almost an hour before the orgasm released me. When it did I was laying in a huge wet spot of precum. I was sweating profusely. My cock was semi erect, but as the orgasm stopped, my cock began to reinflate to aroused rigidity. My entire cock shaft, root and cock head were aching and heavy with desire. I needed to cum.
    It is not typical for me to masturbate after a session, but this time I needed to desperately. So rolling onto my back, with my tempo still impaling me I grasped the precum slimed head of my cock and I began to tug on it and slide my fingers all over my cock head and shaft, spreading the slippery ooze of my precum all over my purple hued spike.
    It didn’t take very long before a thick white rope of cum got hurled into a high arc and splashed on my chest; then I pulsed another rope and another smaller one and then a dribble of bubbling hot almost clear jelly. My heart was racing and my prostate was twitching as it regurgitated the last of my cum. It was past 6 AM. I was thankful my first meeting wasn’t until 1 and that I had put a do not disturb tag on my door. I fell back to sleep until 8 AM.
    I am posting this unedited as I wrote it, immediately after I woke up. I didn’t want to refine or edit it whatsoever. It was written with the sweet agony of intense orgasm still resonating in my anal canal and cock root and the divine memory of sensual bliss still echoing in my mind. It is unspoiled by rational thought or refined expression


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/28/2014at2:56 pm

      WOW another crazy erotic night. I bet those hotel neighbors got a ear full of that ride. great blog man.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/28/2014at5:07 pm

      Very sexy … I am happy for your happiness!

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