• More Helix

    For the next week after receiving my Helix I think I had maybe 5 sessions. Felt like I might be overdoing it a bit before I got more used to the size and didn't want to be too sore to enjoy it fully. I know it's not a large toy, but it's still the biggest thing I've experienced.
    Each one of those first sessions was full of new sensations. Typical length was about 1.5-2hrs. Like others had said, I was learning that I couldn't produce the same sensations with the same actions every time, but I was enjoying everything anyway. I think the random path a session takes makes it even more enjoyable, not knowing what to expect next, but sometimes things would die down until I thought I was done. Sometimes I was done, and sometimes there was another good build-up. Believe I hit some more of the smaller milestones in those sessions too.
    Lube combo of vaseline/water-based worked well for me, helix came out pretty well even after the longer session. Still want to find a healthier alternative though.
    I did make it to the fourth session and fifth day without ejaculating that week and I can definitely say I could feel my arousal increasing daily, but the urge to just pop that bubble was maddening and eventually I just couldn't help myself again. Very curious to know where the arousal would stop building with regular aneros use and no ejaculations. Hoping I can find out without having to cut off my hands.
    Next blog: Sidetracked

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      09/17/2013at6:41 pm

      "Hoping I can find out without having to cut off my hands. "
      I laughed out loud.

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