• Oh, gluttonous prostate.

    I'm enjoying a calm Saturday morning. Still in bed, checking in at Aneros chat. News on the TV.
    Still echoing with satisfaction of my wonderful session yesterday evening. It was a terrific time having a mutual ride with one of my long-time Aneros pals, artform. We always have an amazing energy connection and are able to share in such a way that all sensations are elevated.
    I experienced a combination of lovely things, -less, Helix Syn, retraction pleasures, even some new stuff I never thought would be so fun. PM if you want to know more.
    Along with all that silliness, the orgasmic depths were extreme and all over the place. Easily one of the least "unified" session experiences I have ever had. Quite a smorgasbord. But, still loaded with great pleasures, large and small, concentrated and whole body, skin deep and deeply internal.
    Just putting these words down bring back the sense memories and I begin to buzz deep inside.
    This journey is at one time simple and complex. But, consistently fun! :(
    The best to you all in your exploration of this wonderful mystery.

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