• A Week of Amazing

    I had the week off from school and was VERY fortunate to have several long periods of alone time.
    – Solo sessions – Lovely, lovely, lovely
    – Coaching sessions – So good to experience another Anerosian's progress and be able to encourage at the same time
    – Energy exchanges – in chat and on Skype – Stunning and engrossing
    – Sharing with long time friends – Deep and beautiful, as always
    – Chatting with newbies on Aneros chat – very exciting and invigorating
    – Virtual times – new friends, amazing new experiences
    – Connecting with men all over the world – priceless
    Thank you to you all! Looking forward to more!


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/31/2013at11:15 am

      Glad to be a part of it!
      – V

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/31/2013at7:53 pm

      Glad you were a part of it too! A HUGE part! :(

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