This hasn’t been an all out effort to avoid ejaculation at all. Once I got past around the 15-16 day mark when the urge was very very strong, I seemed get over the worst and since then it has become fairly easy with no great urge. Worryingly easy in fact. Unlike previous times of extended SR when it became almost unbearable. During Aneros sessions, erections present themselves but the urge to ejaculate is not strong. The satisfaction from the Aneros seems to be sufficient to keep me distracted. But an ejaculation is still something to enjoy and I am beginning to ask myself whether eventually I might lose the urge completely if I ignore any more prompts. Somehow I doubt it. But, just in case, I think the time is right to unplug the dam!
@Harper, I salute your extended SR going to 27 day without an ejaculation. A lot of guys can do that if they have a career they want to fulfill or if they have entered old age such as myself. I observed my 69th birthday on Good Friday a few weeks ago. I am now on day 14 of my second SR challenge. I love the accumulated sexual energy which leaves me really horned for Aneros sessions of late. However, I am glad that still enjoy masturbating, climbing the mount of sexual arousal, and arriving at the summit of PONR where when I can still enjoy ejaculatory orgasms!
@BigGlansDC. I always find around days 14 to 15 very testing and seem to be obsessed with ejaculating. Well done to you for getting this far. Now that I have decided to end the famine I can feel the tension rising already, so things are still in order. I shall savour the build up and approach as much as the final act.
@Harper Congratulation! You “beat” me by one day! I still have trouble with “blue-balls” so lately my SR runs usually end about Day 10-12 .